The AuSable North Branch Area Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 working to protect, preserve and enhance the North Branch, its tributaries and the adjacent environment.
The North Branch Area Foundation is composed of both residents and non-residents who enjoy the quality of the river and seek to protect and preserve the wildlife surrounding it.
Member Statement
The AuSable North Branch Area Foundation is a Michigan non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation. We embrace all our donors as an integral part of the Foundation's efforts to protect and enhance the North Branch watershed and its environs. Although donors to organizations like ours are not legally considered members, we view our donors in the spirit of membership. As such, our members can experience both the assurance and satisfaction that they are making a meaningful contribution to the protection and health of our precious natural resource. Some of the benefits derived from your membership include: River Keeper program, invasive species eradication, maintenance and improvement of river access sites, maintaining an open and navigable river, beaver dam removal, brown trout redd survey, and placement of large woody debris. In addition to these, you also enjoy: tax deductible status for your donations, our bi-annual newsletter, our annual social, access to our website, email alerts, opportunities to suggest, volunteer and assist in projects, network with others who share your common interest in our resource, and learn more about the ecosystem of your river and ways to protect it.
Board of Directors
Tom Wessels, Co-Chairman
Neil Wallace, Co-Chairman
Marjie Warner, Treasurer
Bob Weed, Secretary
Bill Anderson
Greg Bierl
Glen Eberly
Andy Grant
Mike Inman
Dave Jankowski
Steve Johnson
Gary Neumann
John Porteous
Tom Wessels